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Welcome to our web site!
There are links ...to help with your homework...and to relax from school and studying...
How to use the right to surf..
People of all ages use the internet..for all kinds of reasons.
So, look out...you want to have fun...but, be the adult you really plan to be...Don't talk to stranges...(your here to study and have fun) stay on track...
Do you need permission?
Netiquette means having good manners when you are using the
internet..much like in person..please and thank you..maybe, I don't know...I have to ask...

A   little   poem...

Caution: Do the thing right

Subject: Another day...

Q: What do you have in your bookbag?

Answer: Things I will need another day (you say?)

Tomorrow is another day..

When your older, "you'll see-

You'll see your parents as guidance on a unsure path

You need math...

You need to create

Your never alone

Be aware!!

Books , pencils, paper..

they are tools for learning.

What's in your bookbag?

The world is your reference desk.

Life is beautiful, a complete work.

The sky, ocean..

Day, night..

What's in your bookbag?

A brief look at time.

Learn to read and write..

Dance and sing

Flowers today the forest tomorrow..

Keep your eye simple..

Your whole body will be bright..

Let it begin with you.


carmenbethel 07/04


do you need help, with your studies?

We hope you'll find the information you need on this site interesting and fun.

want to study Mars?

sometimes you just don't get it...

home work?

is your homework done?


Don't type in all capitals because it is like SHOUTING.

Use your best writing  (use capital letters and punctuation

where they belong).

Give your message a subject.

Never write your last name, address or phone number

without checking with your parents or your teacher first.
Always be polite and use the "golden rule" (treat others
the way you want to be treated).


Need to find someone to do your printing?

why not use the computer...to help...

Go to Fact Monster

Independent Rep
Carmen Bethel
Las Vegas NV
(702) 340-1126
